The spiritual heart in The Gardens of Babylon
- Theta Healing Fouad Sabet 25:59
- Moon Meditation Villia de Koningh 29:40
The Temple of Babylon is the spiritual heart of our community. This remarkable place is where the family comes to gather to share their knowledge and to learn. The classes are for the body, the mind and the soul. A common ground where the teachers can become the student and the student can becomes the teacher.
A lthough there has always been a deep connection between the massive lineups and spirituality during each and every event, with the Opening Ceremonies, Card Readings, and Healing Ceremonies to name just a few, The Gardens of Babylon has finally opened its doors for all different kinds of spiritual workshops and talks that the worldwide family has to offer.
From Vinyasa Yoga to Breathwork Sessions, from Systemic Constellations workshops to Om and Mantra Singing, Shamanic Women’s Circles and Sangha of Brother sessions, and so much more… The deep dark rave nights may be your personal valve to lose yourself inside but the Holy Temple within The Gardens of Babylon is definitely your opportunity to find yourself in life and let go of everything that has been holding you back.
The Spiritual