Villia de Koningh

For more than 3 decades, Villia de Koningh has been practicing as a Shamanic Healer, Soul Coach, Oracle Card Reader, and Space Clearing Practitioner. She delights in holding space and guiding people to access their higher selves to find healing and wholeness. Above all, inner work is about resonance, the technique is less important. If it resonates with your heart and soul you will find the healing you seek. Blending varied techniques from Shamanism to Tibetian Chod practice, Villia heals through guided meditations and experiential inner journeys.

Additionally, she works as an Elemental Space Clearer. Meaning she can clear spaces, people, and objects of stagnant energy. Free from negative zeal, this allows for fresh invigorating energy to enter again. In 2017, she became the Spiritual Guide for The Gardens of Babylon Family. Ever since, she guides the opening meditations and reads oracle cards during events. With Shishi, she facilitated The Temple of Babylon from its inception in 2019. Curating the Spiritual Village for The Monastery Festival, she brought many wonderful teachers, healers, and therapists from a wide variety of healing modules. Full of gratitude, this will remain a highlight of her life journey.

In 2018 the first Silent Retreat in Turkey was launched, which was followed by 2 more retreats. Now we are in a new world order where travel is much restricted, Villia brings a very special blend of teachings to our home base.

For more information about Villia and what she has to offer, visit her personal website or her personal instagram.