SATURDAY MADNESS! Join our Livestream and Family Zoom… Do you want to support The Gardens of Babylon community for our work? Please purchase a ticket for this week’s livestream.
We have 3 sets of tickets:
✨ €3,-
✨ €10,-
✨ €20,-
Livestream & Family Zoom Gathering:
18:00 An introduction to the Babylon Social Media Channel & Monastery information
19:00 Catch up with the family in break out rooms
19:30 Opening Meditation
20:00 Heimlich Knüller
21:00 Seth Schwarz
22:00 Madmotormiquel
23:00 Mira & Chris Schwarzwälder
00:00 Oliver Koletzki

We got extremely excited this week.. We switched on the engines to start working on events for the first time in 6 months. And it changes something for us… It is as if the fire inside is lit up again.. And now….
We are filled up with energy. Ready to create. We want to return to our family. We want to walk through the filled up dance floors, where the rhythm creates a unified heartbeat. We want the never ending nights where we can all fall in love 250 times. We long for the endless opportunity to meet amazing people.
We want The Gardens of Babylon back!
What we need for those final months that we are waiting is a celebration online. We need to come together and be in awe of great music gifted by this INCREDIBLE line up. Broadcasted from Berlin from the amazing studio of Olivia Steele. Join the family zoom room to connect with everyone around the world that we miss so dearly!
What to do next:
✨ Keep an eye on our socials for the live broadcast
✨ Share this event with all your favourite Babylon family members…
✨ Create a pandemic proof but fun environment including decoration for Saturday March 6
✨ Buy a ticket in support of the Babylon family group and get a link to the family ZOOM.
Let’s be happy and reunite..
In the end we all have each other and that will always be the silver lining.
The Gardens of Babylon