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Manon Lens

After a chance encounter at Amsterdam’s creative enclave Ruigoord with Shishi, Manon Lens became a core member of The Gardens of Babylon family. A veteran in the dance scene and night life which started in the good old days of the Roxy and It, music has always been her passion and relief. After going to Burning Man for the first time in 2010, she got heavily involved in the creation and events for The Dutch Burning Man Organisation. As its community manager, Manon was responsible for its social media, providing tips and tricks for first-time burners, as well as organising a multitude of events. Whether it was the Dutch decompression party, the monthly Burning Pub or afterparties, her warm welcome, and friendly demeanour have been a staple of the Dutch Burner Community going on ten years.

M anon’s relationship with The Gardens of Babylon started humbly. Drawing from past fashion industry experiences as a visual merchandise manager, she started as decor volunteer for TGOB events. Now, the rest is history as they say, with Manon a full-time member of The Gardens of Babylon team. Occupying roles from event to community management, volunteer coordinator to performance curator, and just about everything in between.

As event manager, Manon is integral in building the distinct atmosphere of each. Working closely with an international team alongside enthusiastic volunteers, she employs a philosophy of inclusiveness and education while creating. This approach allows all involved to tap into their creative drives, giving each event a highly personal feeling of love and mutual respect.

As community manager, she is something of The Gardens de facto caretaker. Frequently taking attendees by the hand, introducing newbies to the family, and offering a listening ear. This compassion has gained her the nickname Mama Manon amongst the Gardens of Babylon family. It is Manon’s goal to make sure everyone attending a Gardens’ event feels seen and welcomed, whether inside or outside the club, in Amsterdam or around the world.


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